Wednesday, December 27, 2023

#52 Ancestors #Week52 Me (Alternatively, We Made it!)

These books were perhaps my first introduction to history.  And I was the perfect age to be entranced by the TV show. My Dad’s girlfriend at the time even made for my cousin and I, matching calico dresses in red (mine) and blue (hers), with matching white pinafores and calico bonnets.  Yes, there are pictures.

Last night as I was falling asleep, I had several good thoughts about what to say about myself, but got a bit bogged down. In addition to history, I enjoyed other pastoral pursuits as a child in the 70’s: Holly Hobbie, Betsey Clarke gifts from grandma, crafts like macrame and embroidery, although coloring was a personal favorite.

My mom’s 2nd cousin (or is it 1st cousin once removed?) Joe self-published his first copy of The Slaney Family Tree in 1976.  To say I was obsessed with this little book was not hyperbole.  I don’t think it happened right away as I was pretty young, but by Junior High it was one of my favorite pursuits, copying out as much of it as I could onto several pages of notebook paper taped together for a school project.

While that project has continued now for over 40 years (that’s a tough phrase to type), and I’ve reached to paste together stories for many of my “forgotten” ancestors, what about me is the question or challenge for this week.  Like my best Cuzzin, I hope that my youngest will take over or at the very least preserve my research. 2024 would be a good time to add that addendum to my “final wishes” folder as my husband and I finally updated our wills last year.

How would I like myself to be Remembered is a question for the ages.  Many of us have thorough well-thought out answers to this question, and many like myself throw up our hands.  Not because I haven’t thought about it.

As long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a mom.  If you ask my children, I’m quite certain you’d get three very different answers as to what kind of mom I’ve been.  It hasn’t been easy, but I love all three of them with all my heart.

Over the years I’ve come to identify with my grandmothers more and more. Genealogical hazard, perhaps.  I knew my grandmothers, but I didn’t know them deeply as women, only as their role as “Grandma” for the most part. What a lost opportunity!

Over the last few years, though, I’ve gotten to know myself better (I’m a Grandma now, too!) and here are the few things I can make as a list, things I’d like people to know:

I loved imperfectly, but fiercely. 

I love reading, I love descriptive words and detail.  Words like Serendipity and Diaphanous make me excited.

I love a rich landscape, and provided it’s not freezing, I love being outside.  Trees are breathtaking, mountains make my heart soar, and the prairie tells stories we can only hear if we are still.

I was sad, and anxious with more frequency than anyone deserves, and I’ve worked hard to overcome both.  I am learning that making peace, rather than overcoming is a more practical answer.

So here is my year of blogging.  I’ve found out a little bit this year about what I CAN do, as well.  I don’t know yet if I can write terribly well, but I can keep going!  Well done to us, Cuzzin! 🥂

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Echols - Challenge Round

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