Wednesday, March 6, 2024

2024 #52Ancestors, Week 10: Language (Grandma's Sayings)

This post was moved to the Collecting Dead People blog:


  1. I really enjoyed your story about Grandma's sayings.
    My maternal grandmother died before I was born. But my mother told us Grandma's "sayings" so often that I felt like I knew her.Thanks for your sweet story

    1. Thank you! Grandma Rose was quite the character. I can't capture even half of her personality in these stories.

  2. Another one for you from great-grandma Serafina that grandma used to love to say in Italian. I got it out of Google translate, so the dialect may not be the same. Ti spogghiu li scarpi mentri tu ti nni vai - which means, "I'll take your shoes off, while you're running." Serafina apparently used to say this often to her husband Mario whenever he tried to pull one over on her. Grandma would also use it to remind others that she had their number, and would beat them every day of the week and twice in Sunday.


Echols - Challenge Round

Jesse, William, and John Echols - 3 brothers who were instrumental in the formation and settlement of Illinois.  I descend from Jesse, and H...